Friday, February 25, 2011

Bubble Fun

A breather from work left me with a enough time last night to put together a quick set-up using a black sheet and a flash mounted on a tripod with some cellophane, and captured a few images.  I think with a few more attempts these could be really nice, but I was happy with the first attempt.  You can click the bubble image to link to the rest.

Monday, February 21, 2011


My day job has taken over for a bit so only have had a quick shot here or there, and since Yuri is the only one left in the house who is willing to let me take their picture this is what I've got (and even he seems to be a little bored with the whole venture).  There was good light in the living room so no post production required.  Still having fun!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I've had a few moments to play with the "panoglobe" effect outlined in a previous post and come up with some interesting results from fairly poor panoramic images. I'm posting further images on 'As Crows Fly'.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Self Portrait

Your black and white images inspired me to try as well.  Slow shutter speed and a fluorescent light.

Test Shots REVISED

There is a technique using photoshop that turns panoramic images into distorted globes. With a little editing and photoshop fakery you can get some pretty cool final products. Here is link to some samples and a tutorial.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Test Shots

Getting ready to shoot some panoramic photos on film, I made these photos with a 1.3mp Sony digital and processed with Photomerge in Photoshop Elements6.o.
The first Photo is a composite of three photos, the second, 4 photos. The film photos will have greater depth and detail.These shots are for testing technique and software capabilities.

Trix R4 Kids?

Tried a new lighting scenario out, by shooting in the dark with long exposure times and flashes going over and under the object.  Started by first opening the shutter, then lighting the subject over the top with the built in camera flash, and then underneath with an off camera flash, which is positioned in my homemade light box (cardboard box with hole cut out and covered with wax paper) to diffuse the light a bit, then last closing the shutter.  Whole process took about an hour to set up and two seconds to shoot per pic.  Can you believe I eat these things!  To see the entire set of images just click on this one...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Cinder & Smoke

Another attempt at slowing things down with some accuracy.  Music playing in the background while I shot these "Cinder & Smoke" by Iron & Wine.  You can click on the images to see the full set.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


After more humming, hawing, and tinkering I finally got the stars aligned, and the images appear as I originally saw them in my mind's eye.  As I always say, the fourth times a charm 8-)  I've put a set of these pics on flickr which you can check out by clicking this image.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dialing in the Right Light

So after some pondering and googling on how to get this little project working better, I decided to try an indirect light source as well as pull back a little with the lens.  I'm still chipping, and have a few additional techniques to try, but I'm pleased with this round.  The focus is better, and the lighting is beginning really helps show just how explosive these little drops are.